Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Member Of The Family

Looks like their is a new member of the family... This member seems to have also joined Julie & Ed's family, as well as Tom & Barb's family.. Because of this new addition to our families a lot of things will need to be altered - like it or not... It's been the topic of discussion lately at all the family gatherings. How things will change and what new things will be added to everyday life and how certain freedoms will now be gone.

Looks like everyone is looking forward to this new addition.

By the way, this new additions name - The candida diet...

What what diet? Some of you ask... The candida diet is basically a diet used
to clear your system of yeast. Probiotic bacteria usually controls the level of
yeast in your system, but with everyday use of antibiotic, food allergies and other factors kill off a lot of the probiotic bacteria in your system - thus yeasts starts to grow uncontrolled in your body, which in turns leads to a number of other problems.

The Candida diet controls what you eat (no sugar, fruits, yeast, and limited carb's).
It's a very strict diet that seems to work wonders.

Tricia was on the diet for a while back in 2000-01 and she never felt better. Your system gets back to working the way it was meant to work.

Because the diet is so extreme, it alters that way everyone around you eats. The grocery bill is killer. You have to watch what you buy, and of course like
A wise man once said "The toughest part of a diet isn't watching what you eat. It's watching what other people eat." so that last thing you want to do
is sit in front of someone eating something they can't.. Temptation ;)

No I'm not taking part in the diet - its the rebel in me... :)

But for those of you who are - I wish you success.. And next time I'm
enjoying a nice dessert with my coffee (which you can't drink either ;p) - I'll
think of you and hope the pounds you lose don't find you.


1 comment:

Renee Heemskerk said...
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